Uncrossing Body Scrub


  • Release negative patterns
  • Protect from Spells & Hexes
  • Uncross and detach from past and current conditions that don’t serve you
  • Unjinx from things that mean to harm you
  • Release blocks and stagnation
  • Remove crossed conditions
  • Remove negative energy
  • Protect from evil eye
  • Return any malicious intents or unwanted energy back to the sender
  • Form a protective field around you against anything and anyone wishing or intending to harm you,


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SKU: Uncrossing-Body-Scrub-aberewatia Category: Tags: ,


  • Release negative patterns
  • Uncross and detach from past and current conditions that don’t serve you
  • Unjinx from things that mean to harm you
  • Release blocks and stagnations
  • Remove crossed conditions
  • Remove negative energy
  • Protect from evil eye
  • Protect from Spells and Hexes
  • Return any malicious intents or unwanted energy back to the sender
  • Form a protective field around you against anything and anyone wishing or intending to harm you,


WARNING: Smells Incredible!!! (We use organic herbs, plants, spices, high qualitative therapeutic essential oils, and fragrances for our proprietary recipes.


Instructions: Take a regular shower first, then use the Uncrossing Body Scrub from head to toe (not face if you have sensitive skin) repeating 9 times with your affirmations/ things that you want to speak into life/ the changes you want to see happening for your life, things that you want to attract and happen in your life, things that you want to let go of, anything that you seek protection from.

Repeat 9 times while you are scrubbing yourself from the top starting with your head to the bottom ending with your feet speaking what changes you want to see happen. Mean what you say and say what you mean from your heart! After you are done with the uncrossing body scrub, use the coconut soap and wash off all residue of the black uncrossing body scrub also from head to toe. Repeat your intentions/affirmations or say you give all that doesn’t serve you to Spirit or the Universe to transform into what serves you. Repeat this process over the next 3 days.

Make sure to wear white clothes/ light clothes for the 3 days as this serves the purpose of creating an optimal energy field around you during the cleansing process.

Recommended! To Amplify your cleansing ritual please read here: When you are done rinsing yourself off after scrubbing your body from top to bottom with the Uncrossing Body Scrub, use a small container to collect some of the water that’s coming off your body, put it to the side. Then end your shower with ice cold water and wash water down from head to toe. Later, after you completed your shower ritual, take the water you had put to the side to the crossroads and toss it into the crossroads.


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